Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Decorations

'Tis the Season! And people in my neighbourhood have decorated A LOT for it. Yesterday Mum and I took a walk to look at all the lights and other decorations. In England there's usually one house on a street that has an obscene amount of decor (including my dad's Uncle Bob and Aunt Brenda) whereas the rest are pretty dull. In Norway some people put some lights on a tree. But here almost every house has been decorated with something. It's beautiful!

Large Santa outside our neighbour's house - it lights up in the dark
Gingerbread House
Mickey and Minni Mouse coming out of a Christmas present

The best house is coming up next. We spoke to the woman of the house and she kept insisting that it would be so much better the next day. Can you believe that she still had things to put up? She was extremely nice and even invited us to see the back of the house.

Best House Part 1
Best House Part 2
Best House Part 3
Best House Part 4 - The back of the house
My favourite decoration
Snowman Family
Our contribution

To conclude, we should all be thankful for the invention of LED lights.

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