I'd like to start writing my blog again, but I can't do that without an update about what I've been up to these past five months.
My parents, Bryan and I spent a few weeks together in Barbados over Christmas. First my parents and I spent a week together, then Bryan joined us for a week. I left with Bryan while my parents stayed for another week. It was tons of fun, especially after learning some history about the Caribbean from my history teacher Jim. Most days were spent lazing by the pool/beach and visiting places on the island. We visited a history museum, George Washington museum, Harrison's Cave, and the Flower Forest (where we saw wild monkeys!). It was a wonderful two weeks.
Harrison's Cave |
George Washington's house |
Flower Forest |
New Year's Eve |
Watching the Sunset |
The Sunset |
Then I went back to school. A pretty boring last semester with a lot of work. I took an interest in cross stitching and am currently attempting to master the art of crocheting. It's much more difficult than you think!
The most exciting that happened last semester was going to Dallas with Bryan for a weekend trip. Even with all the traffic queues, it was a lot of fun! We saw where JFK was shot, went to the Zoo and to IKEA!!
Entertaining ourselves in the traffic |
Where JFK was shot |
I touched this giraffe! |
Yay! Du blogger igjen=D Jeg har prøvd å lære meg å hekle også, det er kjempevanskelig! Og jeg klarte aldri helt å mestre sying=P Du er flink!