These are difficult to find in Oklahoma (basically impossible), so I did not get one this year.
Another thing that most Norwegian parents make for their children is a present calendar where their children get a present each day until Christmas Eve, when Norwegians celebrate Christmas. Usually this ends when the children are in their teens, but my mother has said that she'll make one for me till I move out of the house, so I got one this year too (Lancaster didn't count). WOHO!! I guess Bryan will have to take over when I move out hehe.
Here it is |
The things don't usually cost much, though the price of each item seems to have increased as I've grown older. Apparantly it's easier to find things for a child than a grown-up. Today this is what I got:
You might try looking for an advent calender. Its the same thing and you should be able to find that. least I know you could over in oregon.