Monday, November 1, 2010

Celebrating Halloween

In order to celebrate Halloween this year Bryan and I did a number of things.

1. We attended an audience participation Rocky Horror Picture Show in Stillwater. It was hillarious even though we wore our voices out.

Warning Sign
Goody Bag
A lot of people turned up
Let's Do the Time Warp Again!

2. We watched The Exorcist which was scary! I hid behind Bryan, the blanket and my teddy most of the time. 

3. We made Jack O'Lanterns. I had never done this before. Bryan and I made one each. This is definitely a tradition we need to keep! 

Step 1: Draw face
Step 2: Cut (diagonally) an opening around the top 
Step 3: Cut some more around the inside
Step 4: Use a spoon to get all the seeds out
Step 5: Cut around the shapes
Finished with the carving
Step 6: Put candles in them
Step 7: Put them outside
This was so much fun! A great Halloween weekend :)

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