Sunday, November 14, 2010

Summer lights

As you may know, I love the movie (500) Days of Summer and I especially love Summer (Zoeey Deschanel)'s apartment. My favourite part of her apartment is the blue lights she has hanging above her bed, so I decided to do the same now that they're selling Christmas lights in the shops. I think they look really cool!

Lights in (500) Days of Summer
Lights in my bedroom
Lights in (500) Days of Summer
Lights in my bedroom

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Untitled Terrence Malick Project

Yesterday was a truly amazing day (apart from a history test). There's a film being shot in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, on a ranch owned by Bryan's best friend(John)'s grandfather. It's about 2 1/2 hours away from where I live. John was kind enough to arrange for us to be able to come on set and we went yesterday. We were there for about four hours. Not much happened the first hour, but we got to know the director's wife "Ekkie." The others (including Ben Affleck and Terrence Malick) were shooting in a field about one minute away from us. After an hour was up Ben and Terri walked up to where we were and one of my favourite actresses Rachel McAdams and her boyfriend Michael Sheen walked on set with them.

Rachel and Ben had many love scenes. Bryan and I think it was a montage sequence as much seemed improvised and Terri was telling them what to do while they were rolling. It was so much fun! Rachel and Ben were just playing around in the field. I was in awe when standing just a few feet away from Rachel. I was dying to be introduced to her, and finally was at the end of the day. John was spending a lot of time with Ekkie and so we asked her to introduce us. First we met Ben, who told us that we shouldn't do anything the way we'd seen it happening on set. Then we met Rachel and Michael. She is so beautiful! Finally we met Terri. Everyone was so kind. It was a wonderful day!

Rachel McAdams
Ben Affleck
Michael Sheen
Terrence Malick

Monday, November 1, 2010

Celebrating Halloween

In order to celebrate Halloween this year Bryan and I did a number of things.

1. We attended an audience participation Rocky Horror Picture Show in Stillwater. It was hillarious even though we wore our voices out.

Warning Sign
Goody Bag
A lot of people turned up
Let's Do the Time Warp Again!

2. We watched The Exorcist which was scary! I hid behind Bryan, the blanket and my teddy most of the time. 

3. We made Jack O'Lanterns. I had never done this before. Bryan and I made one each. This is definitely a tradition we need to keep! 

Step 1: Draw face
Step 2: Cut (diagonally) an opening around the top 
Step 3: Cut some more around the inside
Step 4: Use a spoon to get all the seeds out
Step 5: Cut around the shapes
Finished with the carving
Step 6: Put candles in them
Step 7: Put them outside
This was so much fun! A great Halloween weekend :)